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Abstract Topic: Environmental and Occupational Health

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Analysis of Work Posture and Work Station in Metal Coating Worker at Talang, Tegal
Ekawati, Yuliani Setyaningsih, Ida Wahyuni

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ekawati ekawati

Occupational Safety and Health Department, Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University

Background: Chromium, a heavy metals commonly used as an anti-corrosive agent. Clinical and laboratory evidence showed that inhaled chromium was very toxic. Talang sub-district, Tegal district has several groups of metal coating workers. As an informal sector, they were poor of legislation and health services and also poor of hygiene sanitation, poor of workplace arrangement. They were not use personal protective equipment also. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to describe the work posture and work stations on chromium metal coating workers. Methods: This research used a cross sectional design. Data collected using interview method, work station and work posture observation. A number of 35 worker at Talang metal coating industry participated in this research. Results: Most of the workers were in poor work stations, for example: insufficient location and size of ventilation, lack of lighting, slippery and moist floor. Most workers were not use personal protective equipment and had awkward work postures. Conclusion: The workers do their work in non-ergonomic work postures. The work station was not supportive for making ergonomic work posture. This study recommends to repair work station by adjusting ventilation size and the ventilation location should not be in front of the workers directly. If this was not possible, then workers who must adjust their work position away from ventilation. Entrepreneurs can provide local exhaust that was useful for sucking metal vapors so that the levels of metal vapors can be reduced to a minimum level.

work posture, work station, ergonomics

Environmental and Occupational Health


Correlation between local-specific traditions of women agricultural workers and the incidence of Low Birth Weight (BBLR) in South Metro Sub-District, Metro City, Lampung Province
Sulistiyani Sulistiyani(1*), Ayu Tri Darmawati(1), Onny Setiani(1)

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Sulistiyani Sulistiyani

Public Health Faculty, Diponegoro University, Semarang. Indonesia

Background: Low birth weight (BBLR) babies are still the main cause of infant mortality in Lampung province. In 2016 infant mortality due to BBLR was 38.9% of the number of perinatal deaths and 31.9% of the total neonatal deaths in Lampung Province. The number of BBLR in Metro City has increased, in 2014 amounted to 446 cases, in 2015 amounted to 353 cases and in 2016 amounted to 477 cases. Metro Selatan sub-district is an agricultural area with vegetable products. Women workers on agriculture have a local habit of chewing tobacco and smoking, even though they are pregnant. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between local specific tradition of women agriculture workers and the Low Birth Weight (BBLR) in South Metro, Lampung. Methods: This was observational study, with 99 samples. Data collected through interview with questioner instrument. The data has been analyzed using Pearson Correlation and Rank Spearman Result: The result showed there was a significant negative correlation between the number of cigarettes smoked and the babys birth weight (p=0,005 and pearson correlation= -0,283) and no correlation between chewing tobacco and the incidence of Low Birth Weight (p=0,557) Conclusion: There was negative correlation between the number of cigarettes smoked and the baby-s birth weight. It-s mean the more of numbers of cigarettes smoked it will lower the weight of the baby-s birth

Low Birth Weight (BBLR), cigarettes smoked, women, agriculture

Environmental and Occupational Health



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nur azma amin

1Universiti Kuala Lumpur Institute of Medical Science Technology, Malaysia
2Faculty of Health Sciences, Universiti Teknologi MARA., Malaysia
3Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia

Introduction: Back pain is common health problems among general populations including students. Students are exposed to physically and emotionally high demanding daily activities, therefore, higher the risk to develop back musculoskeletal disorders. Objective: To estimate the 12-month prevalence of self-reported musculoskeletal symptoms in the back area and the associated risk factors. Methods: A self-administered questionnaire survey was carried out on 390 students. The Standardized Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (SNMQ) was used to identify the annual prevalence of WRMSDs. Perceived emotional distress was assessed using the short version of Depression, Anxiety and Stress (DASS21). In addition, socio-demographic and educational profiles of the participants were also included. Factors associated with back MSDs were identified using chi square analyses and further by logistic regression. Results: A total of 348 students (89.23%) completing the survey. 63.79% of the students self-reported having symptoms of MSD at any part of back for the past 12 months. Of these, lower back (83.56%) were the most frequently reported as compared to the upper back (81.98%). The multivariate analyses showed anxious or stressful students had significantly elevated risk of back pain Conclusion: The findings indicated that MSDs is relatively high among students. However, students in good term of emotional health had reduced the risk of back MSD. Thus, it is recommended that emotional wellbeing program shall be introduced to the student in future.

back pain, university student, stress, anxiety

Environmental and Occupational Health


Environmental Health Risk Analysis Of Hydrogen Sulfide (H2s) Exposure On Communities Around Broiler Farms
Aria Gusti(1*), Afira Septria(1), Septia Pristi Rahmah(1)

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Aria Gusti

(1)Faculty of Public Health, Andalas University.

Objectives: The development of broiler farm sector contributed to the air pollution in the form of odor due to the formation of hydrogen sulfide gas (H2S). Purpose: This study aims to analyze the level of risk of H2S exposure in the community near broiler farms PT.Ciomas Padang. Methods: The study used Environmental Health Risk Assesment (EHRA) method. Population consists of 160 people and 66 sample respondents with accidental sampling technique. Four point air samples taken on the settlement around broiler farms PT. Ciomas used gas sampler impinger. Results: Four point air samples were lower than odor threshold (0.02 ppm or 0,027 mg/m3) , H2S concentration was 0,015 mg/m3, 0,018 mg/m3, 0,022 mg/m3 and 0,023 mg/m3. The calculation of the largest realtime intake and lifetime intake found at location C. The average realtime intake value was 0,00135 mg/kg/day and intake lifetime was 0,00406 mg/kg/day. RQ value of realtime and lifetime, obtained all point of measurement has RQ>1 which means that H2S exposure is unsafe and risk management is necessary. Conclusion: The required risk management by limiting safe concentration and limiting the duration of exposure. Other efforts that can be done is by adding lime and prebiotic on chicken manure to reduce the release of H2S gas and cleaning the dirt under the cage once a week.

EHRA, H2S, Farm, Community

Environmental and Occupational Health


Heath care Seeking Behavior among Migrants Vulnerable to Climate Change: Study of a Slum in Dhaka City
Md. Aminul Haque,PhD; Sawkia Afroz

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Md. Aminul Haque

Department of Population Sciences, University of Dhaka

Background: Bangladesh has been declared as the sixth worst affected country to climate change. This paper aims to identify life after migration of the respondents receding in a slum of Dhaka city, to identify the perception of migrants regarding climate change, to identify the perception of migrants regarding health and disease, to find out the health care seeking behavior of the migrants vulnerable to climate change. Methods: The study was a cross-sectional survey of climate vulnerable migrants who are receding a slum of Dhaka city. A total of 250 climate vulnerable migrants consist of 150 male and 150 female respondents were selected randomly and interviewed through a structured questionnaire. Univariate and Bivariate types of analysis have been applied. Results: The study indicates that after being victim of climate change respondents migrated to Dhaka city for a better livelihood but their socio economic condition collapsed in Dhaka city. Only 25.6% having permanent residence in current place, 90% lost their business and turned into rickshaw puller.Sin disease, Asthma and Respiratory Allergy were the three disease they suffered most, Climate induced diseases and after migration disease continuation rate is higher among male migrants compared to female. 50.3% female respondents perceived the idea of weather change. Though female perceived a better understanding about the changing weather pattern but their health care seeking behavior after migration deteriorated almost 53.3% don-t seek any health care, their attitudes as well as existing barriers of the new settlement basically keep them aloof from seeking the health care services. Conclusion: Increasing recurrence of climatic events, socio-economic losses, severity of environmental degradation and frequency of climate induced diseases push people in such a vulnerable situation that compel them to choose migration as an adaptive mechanism of climate change. Most of people these climate vulnerable migrants find their accommodation in the slums of Dhaka city that left them in a miserable condition where the terror goes but the agony persists. Thus the study highlighted that overall health care seeking behavior of the climate vulnerable migrants deteriorated after migration which requires proper attention in order to alleviate their sufferings in the slum area.

Bangladesh, Climate Vulnerability, Climate Change, Perception, Health care seeking behavior

Environmental and Occupational Health


Nitrate in groundwater and related health risk: A case study in a village in Bachok district, Kelantan, Malaysia
Raja Adi Aiman RMM1, Shaharuddin MS1 and Zaenal Abidin2

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Shaharuddin Mohd Sham

1Department of Environmental and Occupational Health
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Universiti Putra Malaysia

2School of Health Sciences Bhakti Husada Mulia
Madiun, East Java, Indonesia

INTRODUCTION: Nitrate pollution of groundwater is a problem especially in agricultural areas. Users who rely solely on groundwater sources are exposed to nitrate that seep from adjacent agricultural areas or septic tanks that are built very close to the water source. In Malaysia, the maximum allowable concentration of nitrate in water used for drinking is 45 mg/L (in NO3-). A study on nitrate in groundwater and its associated health risk was conducted in Bukit Bator village in Bachok district, Kelantan, Malaysia. METHODOLOGY: This study was implemented in the month of January 2019. A total of forty-two (42) respondents took part in the study with the same number of wells sampled for nitrate. Respondents were chosen based on the criteria that they only used groundwater for drinking and cooking and they do not have any type of filtration systems installed in their homes. Nitrate concentration was determined using a HANNA Instrument brand multimeter with an attached nitrate electrode. Samples were collected in duplicates and the readings were then averaged. Other data such as weight of respondents, age and depth of wells, as well as distance of well from source of nitrate were also recorded. RESULTS: Nitrate in sampled groundwater ranged from 0.61 to 25.10 mg/L NO3- with a mean of 3.61 + sd 1.88 mg/L. One-sample T Test analysis showed that there is a significant difference in nitrate concentration between sampling sites (p<0.05). In contrast, there are no significant relationships between nitrate concentration with age and depth of well, as well as distance to nitrate source (p>0.05). All respondents were calculated to have a Hazard Index (HI) of less than 1 (HI<1), meaning it is less likely for nitrate to cause adverse health effects on the users. CONCLUSION: Nitrate levels in groundwater is low and is not detrimental to health. Nevertheless, periodic assessment is encouraged to ensure the levels stay low at all times.

Nitrate, groundwater, Hazard Index, Kelantan, levels

Environmental and Occupational Health


Antonius Tuan Tana Ruron, Tomoliyus

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Antonius Tuan Tana Ruron

Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia

Background: Human resource is the main aspect for human in menjalankan aktifitas keseharian tugas dan tanggung jawab. Therefore, the good quality human resource is urgently needed, so the healthy lifestyle is totally needed. The complexity of lifestyle problems also affects students- lifestyle. Aim: This research aims to discover the relation of students- characteristics (Sex Type, age, and activity in peer group) with healthy lifestyles. Method: The method used in this research was descriptive-qualitative and quantitative. The quantity of research subjects was 113 students ranged from 19 years old until 21 years old at the rayon of Samirono, Papringan, Mrican, and Karangmalang. The data collecting in this research used questionnaires. The data analysis used in this research was descriptive-percentage of Likert scale. Result: This result shows that from 64 male students, 28.1% of students implement healthy lifestyle, 59.3% of students less implement healthy lifestyle and 12.5% of students do not implement healthy lifestyle. Whereas, from 49 female students, 20,4% of them implement healthy lifestyle, 36,8% of them less implement healthy lifestyle and 22,4% of them does not implement healthy lifestyle. Conclusion: Generally, Students are unaware in implementing healthy lifestyle in their daily life. Male students are more aware in implementing healthy lifestyle rather than female students.

Characteristics, Healthy lifestyle.

Environmental and Occupational Health


Adityo Nugroho1, Djoko Pekik Irianto2

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Adityo Nugroho

Sport Science Department, Graduate School Program, Yogyakarta State University

Background: As the rapid development of technology, teenagers are directly affected in the influence of online game which can be found easily by them. So that, it causes the changing of healthy lifestyle through the not optimal physical activities in their daily life. Aim: This research aims to discover physical activity done by teenagers after the school hour at Central Java according to Sex type and living place. Method: The method used in this research was qualitative-descriptive and quantitative. The subjects involved in this research were 57 teenagers at Central Java. The data collection was conducted by using questionnaires. The analysis of descriptive data was percentage in Likert scale. Result: The results of the research show: (1) Physical activity of teenagers at Magelang Regency, district of Mertoyudan, Kalinegoro Village was 40% of students who did the activity, and the rest (60%) did not. Meanwhile, the data at district of Mungkid, Mungkid Village show that 30 % of students did the activity, and 70% did not (2). The teenagers who did the physical activity at Purworejo Regency, District of Grabag, Grabag Village were 88,8 %, and 11,11 % did not. Whereas, at District of Ngombol, Kesidan Village was found that 96,30 % of teenagers did the activity and 3,7 % did not. Conclusion: Teenagers in the area which is hard to access game do more physical activities than teenagers in the area which is easy to access game.

Physical Activity, Teenager Period

Environmental and Occupational Health


Nanang Muhajir1, Rachmah Laksmi Ambardini2

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Nanang Muhajir

Sport Science Department, Graduate School Program, Yogyakarta State University

Background: Generally, Last-year students are busy to accomplish their final project which really psychologically burdened them so they were bored and experienced the high level of stress and the decreasing of concentration. Concentration is one of the main components which should be possessed to accomplish the final project. The low level of students- concentration is caused by the lack of programmed physical activity then it leads to unhealthy life pattern. Aim: This research aims to obtain benefits from the exercise of programmed physical activity in improving the concentration of last-year students. Method: The research conducted was an experimental research with one group pretest – posttest design. The source of data in this research was the seventh semester students of accounting in STIE Graha Karya Muara Bulian, Batanghari, Jambi which consisted of 20 students where 10 students are male and the other 10 are female who are in their final project writing program. The subjects of the research did some physical activities such as programmed aerobic exercise which previously was conducted the same pretest with the post test that was a grid test. The exercise was given three times with 15 minutes given for each repetition in 1 session (break for five minutes in each repetition) and was conducted for 3 sessions per week, simultaneously for 6 weeks in row. Result: Based on the research, it is obtained the result as follow: from the test, it is discovered that the value of Sig (2-tailed) is 0,000 < 0,05, then it can be concluded that there is relation between the result of concentration test in pretest data and posttest data. Conclusion: The conclusion of this research shows that programmed aerobic activity can effectively improve concentration of last-year students at STIE Graha Karya Muara Bulian, Batanghari, Jambi.

Aerobic Activity, Concentration, Students.

Environmental and Occupational Health


Tree Climbing Postures Analysis of Palm Sugar Farmer
Rani Aulia Imran (a*), Ajeng Dian Purnamasari (b)

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Rani Aulia Imran

(a) Department of Industrial Engineering, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Indonesia
(b) Department of Sport Science, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Indonesia

Banyumas of Central Java is one of regencies that produces more than 20.000 ton productions per year of palm sugar. The number of palm sugar farmers in 2017 was 20.293 farmers, therefore coconut sugar products occupy the first position of processing type agro-industry in Banyumas. However, these numbers of farmers continue to decrease because of the safety and work safety of sugar farmers is not guaranteed. The purpose of this study was to analyze biomechanical posture of palm sugar farmers while climbing. Videographs of 42 secondary data of palm sugar farmers climbing videos were collected. Each representative frame was analyzed to identify climbing postures and literature review been done to find references. Result was showed that climbing a tree climbing was a high-risk occupation in biomechanical approach. Future research needed to assess musculoskeletal system contributed in tree climbing activities and its suggestion to reduce occupational risk, increase palm sugar farmers health and wellbeing

biomechanics; sugar palm farmer; climbing

Environmental and Occupational Health


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